


  • Combine coaching with consulting (Coachsulting) for personal and professional development. 
  • Provide dispute prevention and collaborative dispute resolution through Mediation and Conflict Coaching to individuals and corporates.
  • Establish Nyasa as a platform that provides world class business consultancy that is easily accessible and affordable.



Many people think about where they want to be and don’t know how to get there. Others aren’t sure of where they want to be and feel stuck. They lack clarity and a vision.

What if, instead, you felt invigorated and thrilled about starting each day because you knew your purpose and you were living it with joy? How amazing would that be?

How has your life ended up where it is now?

  • Is the life you’re living now, the one you’ve always wanted?
  • How did you lose sight of your big dreams?
  • Do you even dare to dream, let alone dream big?
  • How can you find your place in the world? 
  • How do you find yourself back?
  • Why does your energy seem to be fading?
  • What is blocking you?

How do you get out of the rut you’re in and onto a more fulfilling path?

In short, get back in touch with YOURSELF!

  • Get unstuck & clear on where it is you REALLY want to be.
  • Create a routine & dedicate time to creating the life and or business you want.
  • Consistently take action steps to get moving forward.

Yes, I know it can be tough and overwhelming. But you really are capable of achieving the things you want. It just takes a plan and the execution of that plan. If you have been stuck for a long, a coach as an accountability partner can certainly help as well.

Let’s take it one step at a time….

Do you have a dispute that needs to be resolved but you don’t wish to go to court? We offer out-of-court conflict resolution services. Parties are completely free to resolve the dispute voluntarily. Nyāsa provides a confidential, informal, impartial venue to address and resolve disputes. Online Mediation is possible as well.

If one of the parties is reluctant to take part in a Mediation process, we can help you with Pre-Mediation Coaching services as well.

In addition to Mediation, Nyāsa offers group facilitation, team building, and several skill-building trainings to businesses. These additional services help to enhance the effectiveness and productivity of teams.


Business Consulting

In the last 5 years, I have worked with many clients who have a big desire to grow, expand and go global.

The good news is that this is the perfect time for all of us to see the opportunity, take advantage of this momentum where the whole world is going digital. 

Are you ready for it?

It is incredible to see how fast the digital world is growing. If you are in business or you are thinking of starting your business, you may know that the biggest challenge is to reach clarity about the steps you need to take.

In this new era, you can all have the ability to tap into the power of the virtual world and create a business YOU truly love.


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