
Increase your visibility: Why, How, and What?

How do you increase your visibility as an entrepreneur? As an entrepreneur, you probably know how important it is to make yourself visible. So you can show who you are, what you do, and what you are good at. As a result, you attract the right customers and make more sales. But you may also have noticed that increasing your visibility is sometimes easier said than done. By asking yourself the following three questions, it will be a lot easier to make yourself visible!

Perhaps you have already done it for your company: determining your ‘why’, your ‘how’, and your ‘what’. If not, I can definitely recommend it, because by answering these three questions for yourself, you will make it a lot easier for yourself to set goals for yourself and your company.

 The same goes for increasing your visibility: why do you want that, how are you going to do that and what is it with which you want to make yourself visible? If you have the answers to these questions, you can create a clear plan to increase your visibility.

Why do you want to make yourself visible?

Of course, you know it’s important to be visible. That your potential customers know who you are and what your expertise is. But think a little further: what is your ultimate goal to make yourself and your company visible? In my case, for example, it’s about helping people move forward with their business. I see it as my mission to help other entrepreneurs to make themselves visible because I know that you can grow as a company and as a person. As a company, you show yourself and thus build a bond with your followers and fans, who can eventually become your customers. And as a person, I have noticed that making yourself visible goes hand in hand with personal development. Because you are going to expand your comfort zone, for example, and you grow from that. But also because you learn to see your value so that your self-confidence grows and you can teach yourself a positive mindset. I think this is fantastic and want to help as many people as possible to see this too.

Do you also have such a big goal, a mission? Think about it. Because that is YOUR reason to increase your visibility.

How do you want to make yourself visible?

There are many ways in which you can increase your visibility. The most important thing is that you do what makes you happy. If you don’t do that and are, for example, only present in as many places as possible because you ‘have to be visible’, then it will not work. Why not? It’s very simple: because you attract what you radiate. So take a look at what you really enjoy doing. Are you a fan of Instagram, Facebook or LinkedIn? Then only immerse yourself in that place and make yourself visible there. Or maybe you prefer to give webinars, you really like being on a stage or you want to increase your visibility through media attention… Whatever it is: choose 1 or 2 and focus on that! Find out how it works, plan for it and track the results to see if it works for you or where you need to make adjustments to get better results. 

What do you want to make visible?

Now that you have chosen a platform (or two) to make yourself visible, you can start looking at what you are going to make visible.

When answering the question: ‘Why do you want to make yourself visible?’ you have already been able to determine what your big goal – your mission – is. That is one of the things you can make visible because your customers would love to know. That’s what connects them to you.

But also take a look at your sub-goals. For example: which product or service do you want to highlight this week or month? Or: what is the big story that people need to know about you and your company through the media? Perhaps you want to position yourself as an expert in your field. In that case, it is useful to give away many tips, for example via one or more guest blogs, on social media, or via your own newsletter. In addition to your mission, it is good to list several things when it comes to what you want to make visible. Include them in your monthly planning, because this is super important to achieve your goals for your company!

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