x They make you think you are undeserving of love, affection, or respect.
x They demand complete control over your life.
x They drain you of your energy, confidence, and happiness through constant blame, guilt-tripping, condemning, conflicts, arguing, fighting.
x They don’t see you like a person with feelings, emotions, needs, dreams but more like an object that needs to be ‘handled’ to make them feel better about themselves.
x They do everything to destroy your self-esteem through perpetual gaslighting and manipulation.
x They will isolate you and even go to the lengths of accusing you of having affairs if you stay out late for work/meetings. They would rather have that you don’t work as that would mean you no longer need them for financial stability.
x They shame you for speaking up, being independent minded, having dreams/aspirations, wanting to undertake new things or to grow in career, or in some cases, for being pro-active in wanting to have sex.
x They use your kindness against you and will tell you: ‘did I ask you to be like that’ or ‘did I ask you do that?’ or ‘did I ask you to buy that for me?’
x They want you to be and make you dependent on them.
x They manipulate you into trusting the façade they put on while future faking and later breaking every promise they made by saying ‘I never promised that’ or ‘If you had behaved this way, I didn’t have to break my promise’.Download
x They demand complete control over your life.
x They drain you of your energy, confidence, and happiness through constant blame, guilt-tripping, condemning, conflicts, arguing, fighting.
x They don’t see you like a person with feelings, emotions, needs, dreams but more like an object that needs to be ‘handled’ to make them feel better about themselves.
x They do everything to destroy your self-esteem through perpetual gaslighting and manipulation.
x They will isolate you and even go to the lengths of accusing you of having affairs if you stay out late for work/meetings. They would rather have that you don’t work as that would mean you no longer need them for financial stability.
x They shame you for speaking up, being independent minded, having dreams/aspirations, wanting to undertake new things or to grow in career, or in some cases, for being pro-active in wanting to have sex.
x They use your kindness against you and will tell you: ‘did I ask you to be like that’ or ‘did I ask you do that?’ or ‘did I ask you to buy that for me?’
x They want you to be and make you dependent on them.
x They manipulate you into trusting the façade they put on while future faking and later breaking every promise they made by saying ‘I never promised that’ or ‘If you had behaved this way, I didn’t have to break my promise’.Download